Many Czechs and Slovaks left their homeland to fight abroad during the 1938-1945 occupation of Czechoslovakia with about 6,500 serving in the UK as airmen, parachutists or in the army.

At the beginning of 2020 the Czech Ambassador, Libor Sečka, started a project to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War which he completed in July 2021. He visited 107 cemeteries with 308 graves of Czechoslovak airmen and soldiers and 18 memorials to those who lost their lives while serving in the UK.

A 20-minute documentary film by Czech filmmaker Max Škach records the visits to 305 graves that took place between January 2020 and July 2021. The film is freely available to view Never Forgotten – Documentary film – YouTube

The Ambassador’s notes can be read here. They have been published in both Czech (Brtiské etapy: putování za hroby československých vojaků) available online from Books and Pipes and English (British Missions: pilgrimages to gravesites of Czechoslovak soldiers) available from Amazon.

Locations have been provided in alphabetical order by city, county or region together with extracts from the Ambassador’s notes of his initial trips. The full version is available here

Additional locations have been added from the Czech Ministry of Defence war graves register which provides further details for each site.

Extra information (including website and other links) has been provided from a variety of sources. The Royal Air Force Museum has an online exhibition with details about Czechoslovak squadrons in the RAF and more.

If any are nearby to you, please let us know if the information provided needs to be amended, can be expanded or if you have a photo to share, by email  to

There are many addresses in London associated with Czechoslovaks who found themselves in exile during WW2. Jonathan Saunders created a tour for MAFCSV with directions from the nearest underground station (Baker Street, Gloucester Road, Hyde Park Corner, Liverpool Street, Putney East, Queensway) . This has been adapted and each part appears in the London section, some with contemporary photographs taken by Erich Auerbach courtesy of his daughter Monica Beaumont.

The Memorial Association for Free Czechoslovak Veterans (MAFCVS) In 2017 the last veteran of the Free Czechoslovak Air Force Association (FCAFA), Major General Ivan Otto Schwarz,  passed away. The FCAFA was subsequently dissolved and a new association The Memorial Association for Free Czechoslovak Veterans, was created in 2018. In 2019 it amalgamated with the Association of Czechoslovak Legionaries Abroad, which had been formed in 1949, in London, by WWII Czechoslovak veterans.  It was decided that the newly amalgamated Association would continue with the name Memorial Association for Free Czechoslovak Veterans.  It is a not-for-profit organisation whose aim is to honour and remember the Czechoslovak servicemen and women and others, who fought for the freedom and democracy of Czechoslovakia and Europe during WWII, and subsequently.  It holds three major commemorative events annually, two at Brookwood Military Cemetery, one in May and one in October, and one at Cholmondeley Castle in July.

Their current project is to raise funds to install a memorial to all Czechoslovak WWII veterans that fought for freedom with the Allies at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire. The total project will cost around £35,000. To donate to this once in a lifetime project please contact Mr John Polak Treasurer MAFCSV

Or to make a donation you can:

• Make direct BACS payment to Memorial Ass. For Free Czechoslovak Veterans
Account No 40953568 Sort Code 30- 99-09

• IBAN GB86LOYD30990940953568 BIC LOYDGB21187

• Or send a cheque made out to MAFCSV to Mr John Polak, Fir Trees, Cranbourne, Sutton Scotney, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 3NA

Every donation will be gratefully received and acknowledged.



Watchfield Military Cemetery

Flight Sergeant Rudolf Tesárek RAF died 26.3.1941 during a training flight in a Tiger Moth R5062 (b 17.10.1909 Kročehlavy, Kladno) he performed a spin but the aircraft was fitted with bomb racks under the fuselage which made it unsuitable for aerobatics. At the last spin he lost control and died on impact.


Aston Abbotts, The Abbey In November 1940, during the Blitz, President Beneš and many of his officials moved out of London to the safety of Buckinghamshire. Most days at 8.30am he would leave for his London office at 9 Grosvenor Place and return from there at about 6.30 pm: the journey to London by car took 1.5 hours. President Beneš left The Abbey on 10 March 1945 to attend talks with Stalin in Moscow then set up temporary headquarters in liberated Košice, Slovakia before returning to Prague on 16 May.

Chicheley Hall In 1942-3 used by Special Operations Executive (SOE) as its Special Training School (STS) 46 for training Czechoslovak paratroopers in explosives and as radio operators for secret missions in Czechoslovakia.

Wingrave Officials of the Czechoslovak Government in Exile leased the Old Manor House. In 1944 it paid for a bus shelter to be built on the A418 at the crossroads midway between Aston Abbotts and Wingrave to which an explanatory plaque was added in 1992. Commemorative plaques were put up in Wingrave church in 1995 and 1998; a bench was donated to the village green by Václav Havel.

In ‘The Czech Connection’ Neil Rees provides photographic details of the Czechoslovak Government in Exile’s time in Buckinghamshire.


Cambridge City Cemetery

Flight Lieutenant Bohuslav Eichler RAF 142 squadron died 5. 1. 1945 in a Mosquito KB387 while attempting an emergency landing returning from a night raid on Berlin (b 23.4.1911 Trněný Újezd, Kladno)

Sergeant Karel Hájek RAF died 9.3.1945 in a crash landing during a training flight in a Mosquito HK227 (b 18.7.1943 Struhy, Mladá Boleslav)

Warrant Officer František Raška RAF died 9.3.1945 in a crash landing during a training flight in a Mosquito HK227 (b 5.10 1917 Kopřivnice)

Peterborough Eastfield Cemetery

Pilot Officer Jaroslav Skutil RAF 311 squadron died 1.10.1940 during a training flight (b 24.5.1910 Pardubice)

Pilot Officer Josef Slovák RAF 311 squadron died 1.10.1940 during a training flight (b 12.9.1912 Lomnice, Tišnov)

Sergeant František Koukal RAF 311 squadron died 1.10.1940 during a training flight (b 7.5.1915 Vamberk)

Sergeant Oskar Valošek RAF 311 squadron died 1.10.1940 during a training flight (b 22.7.1916 Louky)

Whittlesford St Mary & St Andrew’s Churchyard

Two Czech ground crew who lost their lives at Duxford airfield during a bombing raid 25.2.1941

Leading Aircraftman Jaroslav Zavadil RAF 310 squadron (b 26.10.1913 Vítkovice, Moravská Ostrava)

Aircraftman Second Class Benedikt Pohner RAF 310 squadron (b 23.4.1912 Náchod)

Private Samuel Jadud a Slovak soldier died 23.8.1945


Chester Overleigh Cemetery

Private Karel Müller died 24.9.1940 drowned in Cholmondeley Castle lake (b 23.7.1917 Medlov, Moravský Šternberk)

Corporal Antonín Umlauf died 26.8.1940 (b Kvílice, Slaný)

Corporal Rudolf Mikurčík died 18.8. 1940 from an automobile crash (b 14.2.1907 Tisovec)

Chester Cathedral

A memorial on the West wall of the South transept carved t into the red sandstone: “To the memory of Czechoslovak soldiers and airmen who fought with the allies and sacrificed their lives during the 1939 – 1945 war”. There is also a framed text : “In 1940 after the fall of France the free Czechoslovak Forces retreated to this country and assembled in Cheshire where they were reorganised and equipped to continue fighting with the Allies until the final victory. Many of the Czechoslovak soldiers and airmen have kept vivid and happy memories of their camp at Cholmondeley Castle and of the warm welcome they were given by the people of Cheshire with whom many of them established a life-long friendship.”

Cholmondeley Castle

In 1940 Czechoslovak troops were evacuated to England from Dunkirk and and invited by the 5th Marquess and his wife Sybil who knew Jan Masaryk. They were stationed here under canvas from 7 July until October when most moved to Leamington Spa. Among them was the sculptor Franta Bělský who carved a memorial stone which can be found behind the chapel. On 23 July 1940 an incident took place at the Czechoslovak soldiers’ camp when a large group of soldiers expressed their dissatisfaction with conditions in the army. Not even the presence of President Edvard Beneš could smooth the situation and on 29 July, 539 soldiers were expelled from the Czechoslovak Army and most transferred to the British Pioneer Corps. Sources indicate that 350 were said to be of Jewish origin, others were communists and former International Brigade members who had fought in the Spanish civil war. Among those expelled was Vlado Clementis who later became minister of foreign affairs in the Communist government of Klement Gottwald and was executed as part of the show trial of Rudolf Slánský. They also included 17-year-old Ludvík Hoch, born in the village of Slatinské Doly in Subcarpathian Ruthenia, who then served with British combat units and secret services. In 1948 he changed his name to Robert Maxwell.

The Memorial Association for Free Czechoslovak Veterans was formed in 2018 and is an amalgamation of the Free Czechoslovak Air Force Association and the Association of Czechoslovak Legionaries Abroad. It is a not-for-profit organization whose aim is to honour and remember all Free Czechoslovak WWII veterans and service personnel who fought with the Allies. They hold commemorative events twice a year at Brookwood Military cemetery in May and October and also at Cholmondeley Castle in July.


Helston Cemetery

Four Czech and Slovak airmen in RAF 311 squadron died 29.6.1944 after takeoff at Predannack in a Liberator BZ754 (J)

Flight Sergeant Josef Jiroutek (b 19.2.1915 Moravany, Pardubice)

Flight Sergeant Miloslav Štěpánek (b 8.2.1920 Brno)

Sergeant Jozef Kubát (b 11.3.1923 Kohoutov, Trutnov)

Sergeant Emil Kuklínek (b 31.5.1904 Brno)

Sergeant Ladislav Žilák (b 30.8.1921 Poltár, Rimavská Sobota, Slovakia)

Sergeant Walter Staňo (b 18.6.1920 Litptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia)

Illogan (St) Churchyard

Flight Lieutenant Miroslav Kredba RAF 310 squadron died 14.2.1942 in a night training flight (b 29.1.1914 Libichov, Mladá Boleslav)

Flight Sergeant Stanislav Halama RAF 310 squadron died 12.4.1942 (b 28.2.1915 Křečkovice, Vyškov)


Carlisle Dalston Road Cemetery

Sergeant Boris Zeman RAF 57 Operational Training Unit died 1.12.1944 training flight Spitfire EP518 (b 16.10.1918 Slavuta, Ukraine)

Causewayhead Holme St Pauls Churchyard

Sergeant Bohumil Votruba RAF 312 squadron died 6.5.1941 parachute jump returning from training night flight Hurricane V6921 (b 7.12.1914 Skalice)


Scropton St Paul’s Churchyard

Five Czech and one Slovak airmen RAF 27 Operational Traniing Unit died 13.10.1942 on a cross country training flight when the weather deteriorated, other aircraft were diverted but the crew did not receive their message. Flight Lieutenant Fanta circled the base several times then tried to land in fog. At 23.05 the Wellington Z8854 crashed and exploded.

Flight Lieutenant František Fanta (b 10.11.1914 Chlum)

Pilot Officer Miroslav Mucha (b 31.1.1920 Ivančice)

Pilot Officer Václav Obšil (b 28.9.1915 Pňovice, Litovel)

Sergeant Josef Hrala (b 21.2.1915 Bánovská Kesa, Nitra, Slovakia)

Sergeant Rudolf Jelínek (b 9.4.1915 Lomnice nad Popelkou, Liberec)

Sergeant Emil Türkl (b 24.8.1922 Děčín)


Berrynarbor St Peter Churchyard

Flight Sergeant Jaroslav Zapletal RAF 311 squadron died 1.1.1945 after take off in a Liberator FL949 (PP-Y) (b 12.5.1911 Jevíčko)

Heanton Punchardon St Augustine Churchyard

Flight Lieutenant Miroslav Cígler (b 12.10.1913 Olomouc)

Sergeant František Novák (b 24.9.1913 Prague)

Sergeant Vilém Orlík (b 20.9.1916 Opava)

Sergeant Rudolf Pancíř (b 4.3.1915 Petříkov, České Budějovice)

Flight Lieutenant Stanislav Zimprich RAF 310 squadron died 12.4.1942 emergency landing at sea in a Sptifire BL497 (NN-Y) (b 3.3.1916 Německý Brod)


Ford Park Cemetery

Leading Aircraftman Josef Pavlat RAF 312 squadron died 3.9.1942 service injury (b 27.2.1914 Velké Karlovice, Vsetín)

Weston Mill Cemetery

Five Czech airmen and one Slovak RAF 311 squadron died 13.7.1944 returning from an operational flight in a Liberator BZ717 (L)

Flying Officer Karel Novotný (b 4.11.1919 Hrbov, Žd’ár nad Sázavou)

Warrant Officer Václav Tarantík (b 27.4.1911 Hrdlořezy, Mladá Boleslav)

Flight Sergeant Rudolf Nemeček (b 13.2.1921 Kyselovice, Přerov)

Sergeant Václav Čapek (b 28.12.1915 Pamětice, Písek)

Sergeant Pavel Dřevěný (b 8.2.1916 Dolní Bojanovice, Hodonín)

Sergeant Jan Filip (b 18.7.1918 Lučatín, Banská Bystrica)

Seaton St Gregory Churchyard

Two Czech Army soldiers died 23.6.1942 in a mine explosion (single grave)

Corporal Vojtěch Dražka ( b 25.8.1919 Slavkov u Brna)

Lance Corporal František Roček (b 29.3.1919 Vysoké Mýto)

There is also plaque in Marine Place commemorating the 30th anniversary of the arrival of the Czechoslovak armed forces from Warwickshire in 1942.


Warmwell Holy Trinity Churchyard

Sergeant Jaroslav Hlaváč RAF 56 squadron died 10.10.1940 shot down in an aerial battle, Hurricane P3421 (b 11.9.1914 Petřvald)


North Weald Bassett St Andrew Churchyard

Pilot Officer Tomáš Kozák RAF squadron died 14.6.1941 returning from a training flight, Hurricane Z3247 (b 16.11.1916 Klatovy)

Ramsey Parkeston Cemetery

Three Czech and two Slovak soldiers serving in the 1st Czechoslovak Mixed Brigade

Staff Sergeant Emil Vlk died 24.6.1943 (b 16.9.1914 Sudice, Boskovice)

Corporal Zdeněk Kolařík died 1.3.1943 (b 4.11.1900 Blovice, Plzeň)

Private Jiří Günsburg died 3.4.1943 (b 17.1.1917 Prague)

Corporal Karel Kopráš died 15.3. 1943 operating anti-aircraft gun (b 13.6.1916 Poprad, Slovakia)

Lance Corporal Viktor Farkaš Ing. died 7.6.1943 landmine explosion (b 7.4.1902 Tvrdošín, Trstená, Slovakia)

Southend-on-Sea Sutton Road Cemetery

Pilot Officer František Hradil RAF 310 squadron died 5.11.1940 shot down in an air battle, Sptifire P7525 (b 21.9.1921 Těšetice, Olomouc)

Corporal Bedřich Šimáček Czechoslovak Army died 17.6.1944 (b 21.2.1913 Spálené Poříčí, Plzeň)


Cirencester Chesterton Cemetery

Sergeants František Doležal (b 18.5.1919 Doudleby nad Orlicí) and Oldřich Fiala (b 24.6.1919 Olomouc) both members of the 4th Ferry Pilots Pool, a section for aircraft transfer flights, died 7.2.1941 as a result of their Magister P2448 crashing shortly after take-off at Kemble (now Cotswold) Airport. Apparently the pilots did not check the fuel level before take-off; lack of fuel caused the engine to fail and the plane to crash. Their graves are located at the end of the cemetery to the right of the entrance road.



Former RAF airfield that is mostly accessible on open heathland; the 311 Czechoslovak squadron was based here from May 1943 to February 1944.

Ringwood Cemetery

Sergeant Vladimír Kyselo RAF 32 squadron died 9.3.1941 on a training flight Hurricane V7057 (b 23.9.1914 Podhorní Újezd)

Sergeant Václav Skřivánek RAF 32 squadron died 21.2.1941 on a training flight Hurricane V6988 (b 24.2.1919 Prague)


Capel-le-Ferne near Folkestone Battle of Britain Memorial

includes 89 names of Czechoslovaks who did not return

Ashford Bybrook Cemetery

Private Ján Encinger, a Slovak soldier and driver in the 1st Czechoslovak Armoured Brigade who died of tuberculosis at a local sanatorium 8.3.1945 (b 26.10.1917 Bratislava). His grave is located on a gentle slope at the upper end of the memorial grounds.

Chartham (near Canterbury) Cemetery

Private Gerhard Bruck JUDr a former Czechoslovak soldier of German nationality (born 25.3.1912 Harcov, Liberec) served in the Infantry Training Company in Cholmondeley, died at the local psychiatric hospital 22.5. 1945. His solitary grave lies near the top of a slope close to the footpath.

Sittingbourne Cemetery

Pilot Officer Vilém Göth RAF 501 squadron (born 22.4.1915 Brno) died 25.10.1940 defending an area near Biggin Hill airport when his Hurricane P2903 collided with a Hurricane V6806 . He was awarded the Czechoslovak War Cross posthumously and is buried in a group of graves of British and Polish pilots and soldiers.

Westwell Burial Ground

Warrant Officer Josef Dygrýn-Ligotický RAF 1 squadron, a successful night fighter, his Hurricane Z3183 was shot down on 4.6.1942 during a night sortie over Evreux, France. It took three months for his body to be found on the English coast (b 6.3.1918 Prague).


Cranwell St Andrew Churchyard

Pilot Officer František Vocetka died 7.2.1941 on a test flight in a Percival Proctor P6234 (b 11.4.1913 Prague)

Pilot Officer Antonín Kašpar died 10.2.1941 on a training flight in a Proctor P6275 (b 14.1.1914 Velké Svatoňovice, Trutnov)

Flying Officer Emanuel Krajina died 2.3.1941 in a car crash (b 1.6.1915 Třebič)

Sutton Bridge St Matthew Churchyard

Five Czech airmen also included in RAF roll of honour inside the church

Sergeant Jan Kurka RAF 6 OTU died 30.9.1940 parachute jump from training flight Hurricane L1986 (b 26.6.1914 Písková Lhota, Mladá Boleslav)

Pilot officer Matěj (Tomas) Patlejch RAF 56 OTU died 1.11.1940 lost in Hurricane L1851 (b 19.12.1915 Lhůta, Klatovy)

Sergeant Jiří Schwarz RAF 56 OTU died 22.9.1941 training flight Hurricane W9159 (b 25.5.1919 Plzeň)

Sergeant Karel Stibor RAF 6 OTU squadron died 1.12.1940 training flight Hurricane L1833 (b 1.12.1914 Měsetice, Sedlčany)

Pilot Officer Jan Žerovnický RAF 6 OTU died 7.1.1942 training air combat Hurricane V7469 (b 15.5.1913 Hradec Králové)


Broad Green Jewish Cemetery

Sergeant Robert Alt aged 58 in September 1939 when he joined the Czechoslovak Army in France. In his application, he explicitly stated that he wanted to fight for his country despite his age. He died of prostate cancer soon after he arrived in the UK aboard the SS Mohamed Ali El-Kebir. His grave is not the typical Czechoslovak war headstone but a black plaque with the Star of David and inscriptions in English and Hebrew. However, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission lists it as a war grave.

West Derby Cemetery

Staff Captain Josef Kocman Czechoslvoak Army died 25.7.1940 of typhoid fever (b 23..9. 1904 Most)

Flying Officer Jindřich Bartoš RAF 312 squadron died 13.2.1941 (b 16.11.1911 Luhansk, Ukraine)

joint grave with

Sergeant Otto Hanzlíček RAF 312 squadron died 10.10.1940 Hurricane combat training exercise (b 18.6.1911 Ústí nad Labem)


BAKER STREET (Circle/ Hammersmith/ Metropolitan Lines)

When you arrive at Baker Street exit the station to the right on to Baker Street. On the other side of the road is:

Berkley Court, Baker Street W1 (opposite Baker St entrance/exit to Baker St Tube Station).

Peter Wilkinson (an intelligence and language specialist in the British Army) arrived in Prague within days of the German occupation of the Sudetenland in October 1938 and did not leave until after the Nazi’s occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia in March 1939.
According to Wilkinson, the original Special Operations Executive (SOE) liaison officer for the Czechoslovaks, on his appointment in November 1940, he worked out of one of two offices that SOE rented in Berkley Court (64 Baker St., already being overcrowded with personnel). From March 1941 Wilkinson was overseas with the intention of establishing a courier route between the Balkans and Czechoslovakia but ultimately this mission was aborted when the Germans invaded Yugoslavia and a Balkans route was no longer feasible. On his return to the UK, Wilkinson’s office had moved to Norgeby House – this was July 1941. The date frame suggests the arrangement between Colonel (later General) František Moravec and SOE to provide “commando” and parachute training for groups of Czechoslovak soldiers was likely made from this building, possibly through Alfgar Hesketh-Prichard, who was likely deputising for Wilkinson whilst he was overseas.

Now cross at the main road junction and walk along Baker Street some distance until you arrive at:

64 Baker Street W1

This is the primary address and headquarters of SOE; over a period of time it would occupy floors of several buildings along, or neighbouring, Baker Street, not limited to Norgeby House or Berkley Court. SOE moved into number 64 in October 1940 and it served as SOE HQ throughout the war.

In September 1943, Brigadier Colin Gubbins, was promoted to Head of SOE; he had recruited Peter Wilkinson as Head of the Czechoslovak Section in November 1940. Gubbins had been in the Sudetenland in October 1938 and then Warsaw at the outbreak of war in September 1939. He remained sympathetic to both Czechoslovak and Polish interests throughout the war.

Now turnaround and walk back to Baker St tube station but on the other side of the road, stopping at:

Norgeby House, 83 Baker Street W1

By July 1941 the Czechoslovak Section of SOE had moved from its office in Berkley Court to Norgeby House. It was around this time that Peter Wilkinson handed over this section to Alfgar Hesketh-Prichard. It appears that Wilkinson retained overall “management” control over the Czechoslovak Section but Hesketh-Prichard assumed the hands-on, day-to-day, contact with the Czechoslovaks. It was from this building that Hesketh-Prichard arranged special mission training for Gabčík and Kubiš; liaised with the RAF in securing the use of the Halifax bomber to drop members of Operation Anthropoid, Silver A and Silver B; procured all the equipment provided to Gabčík and Kubiš for the Anthropoid mission. He also worked worked with Nobby Clark to design the converted A/T grenade that Kubiš eventually used against Heydrich, Hesketh-Prichard being a brilliant electrical engineer by trade.

Jonathan Saunders for MAFCSV

Additional address nearby

Fursecroft, corner of George and Brown Street W1

Czechoslovak Ministries of Foreign Affairs including the departments of information, finance, justice, economic reconstruction and the Czechoslovak audit bureau [source Erich Auerbach photo caption 61].

Battle of Britain Monument Victoria Embankment

lists 35 Czech and Slovak airmen killed in action, the website provides life stories for all 88 who took part, including survivors.

Bomber Command Memorial Green Park

The majorityof the 115 Czechoslovaks lost when RAF 311 (Czechoslovak) squadron was deployed in Bomber Command from July 1940 to April 1942.

Brompton Cemetery

Private Stanislav Borin 1st Czechoslovak Armoured Brigade died 30.9.1943 (b 26.11.1907 Munich)

Private Josef Kadeřábek Czechoslovak Army died 18.2.1942 (b 31.10.1891 Velcí, Hořovice)

Dagenham Eastbrookend Cemetery

Spitfire pilot Sergeant František Marek RAF 19 squadron died 14.8.1940 crash probably caused by a failure of oxygen supply (b 30.1.1913 České Budějovice)

East Ham Jewish Cemetery, Marlow Road

Four Czech soldiers in a separate military section close to the central United Synagogue

Private Vilém Bribram (b 28.2.1901 Nový Bohumín, Frýštát) died 9.2.1944

Cadet Sergeant Jiří Evžen Mirovský [Müller] (b 25.4.1901 Prague) died 22.1.1945

Private Evžen Bedřich Pick [Fick] (b 16.11.1924 Podmokly, Děčín) died 3.3.1945

Private Viktor Schwarz (b 24.12.1900 Kostelec nad Orlicí) died 28.11.1941

GLOUCESTER ROAD (District/Circle/Piccadilly Lines)

Emerge from the tube station and walk north, crossing over Cromwell Road and continuing up Gloucester Road until you turn left along Cornwall Gardens:

66 Cornwall Gardens SW7
This was the location of the Czechoslovak National Council (Československá národní rada). Formed in Paris by Milan Hodža, opposition politician and former Czechoslovak prime minister it moved to London on the fall of France in 1940. (The original Czechoslovak National Council had been set up by Masaryk and Beneš in 1914 as an exiled form of government representing Czech interests in exile).

Continue along Cornwall Gardens to the end and as the road turns around to the right, continue straight on through the alley towards Lexham Gardens. When you arrive in Lexham Gardens No. 53 is on your right hand side:

53 Lexham Gardens W8
Moravec´s XI met here: a group of Czechoslovak intelligence officers who arrived in London with Colonel (later General) František Moravec before the outbreak of WW2. On 14 March 1939 he and 10 selected intelligence officers were secretly flown from Prague Ruzyně Airport to London Croydon Airport. They knew from their secret agents operating in Nazi Germany that the occupation of Czechoslovakia was to be on March 15, 1939 at 6 a.m. Rescued files and archives were handed over to the British M16 to be used against Germany. The ten officers were Jaroslav Tauer, Vladimír Cigna, Josef Bartík, Emil Strankmüller, Oldřich Tichý, Josef Först, Franz Fryč, Alois Frank, Karel Paleček and Václav Sláma.

During WW2, numbers 45-53 were severely damaged by bombing and had to be vacated.

HYDE PARK CORNER (Piccadilly Line)

Emerge from Hyde Park Corner (south side and turn right) into Grosvenor Place (keep the War Memorials and Green Park on the other side of the road on your left hand side) and walk a couple of hundred yards down Grosvenor Place on the right hand side pavement:

8 Grosvenor Place SW1
Offices of the Czechoslovak Embassy (Legation) from 1919

first Czechoslovak volunteers April 1940 outside 8 Grosvenor Place (Erich Auerbach caption)

9 Grosvenor Place SW1
Official office of the President of Czechoslovakia.

The Czechoslovak government leased the building at 9 Grosvenor Place, which served both as an Embassy and the official residence of the Ambassador with neighbouring No. 8 also leased as Embassy offices. During WW2 No. 9 served as the official office of both President Beneš and his wife, who was then heading several charitabel organisations for Czechoslvaks in London plus Chairmanship of the International Red Cross. President Beneš would travel here with his wife each day from his offical residence at Aston Abbots, arriving for 10am and leaving at 6:30pm. In June and July 1944 both buildings suffered extensive bomb damage and the lease was allowed to expire after the war when the Embassy moved (eventually moving to 6-7 Kensington Palace Gardens and subsequently 26-30 Kensington Palace Gardens).

18 Grosvenor Place SW1
In January 1941 the Czechoslovak Institute was opened here by Anthony Eden; the premises were donated by the British Council. The aim of the Institute was to promote understanding and friendship between Great Britain and Czechoslovakia. Its activities included regular concerts, lectures, film shows classes, exhibitions, social events and also a library. In April 1942 Queen Elizabeth visited the Wenceslaus Hollar exhibition; many of the exhibits were lent by the King from the royal collection at Windsor Castle. Lectures were given by the Archbishop of Canterbury and H.G.Wells [source: Erich Auerbach photo captions 73, 77, 81, 84, 85a]

Additional address nearby

2 Wilton Crescent SW1

Secretariat of Československá vyšší škola lidová (Czechoslovak School for Adult Education) [source: Československá žena Dec 43 p 4] From October 1944 it organised a correspondence course for English wives of Czech servicemen to learn the Czech language. The numbers of students grew steadily from the original 102 to 273 in May 1945.

Hampstead Cemetery, Fortune Green Road

Corporal Bedřich Dubský Czechoslovak Army died 15.11.1940 (b 21.12 1895 Čtyři Dvory, České Budějovice)

Hornchurch Cemetery

Four Czech pilots in RAF 313 squadron

Sergeant Blažej Konvalina died 22.1.1942 training air attack Spitfire AD547 (b 3.1.1919 Blížkovice, Znojmo)

Sergeant Josef Valenta died 11.1.1942 take-off in Spitfire AD424 (b 13.8.1917 Hrdlovak, Osek)

Sergeant František Bőhnisch died 23.2.1942 Spitfire crashed on return from a convoy patrol (b 4.4.1913 Prchalov, Nový Jičín)

Flight Sergeant Prokop Brázda died 24.4.1942 attacked by a group of enemy aircraft over Ostend in Belgium; severely wounded and pursued by the enemy, he returned to the British coast but his Spitfire BM357 crashed (b 2.7.1915 Kosov, České Budějovice)

Kensal Green St Mary’s Roman Catholic Cemetery

Four Czech and three Slovak soldiers commemorated in a war memorial

Sergeant Major Oldřich Korger (b 3.12.1877 Prague) died 19.2.1943

Lance Corporal Michal Balog (b 9.4.1901 Bejovce, Košice) died 14.3.1945

Private Matěj Foubik (b 15.1. 1881 Kněževec u Prahy) died 9.2.1944

Private František Kubic (b 18.8.1911 Brno) died 20.11.1942

Private Imrich Martinovič (b 23.11.1920 Zlaté Moravce, Nitra) died 24.10.1942

Private Juraj Skrapčanský (b 19.3.1890 Strážské, Michalovce) died 25.8.1944

Private Ferdinand Sopuch (b 2.3.1888 Štramberk) died 14.5.1944

LIVERPOOL STREET (Circle/ Hammersmith/ Metropolitan Lines)

There are two memorials (one inside, one out) to the Kindertransport to commemorate in part the work of Sir Nicholas Winton in saving 669 Czech-Jewish children, also a small wall plaque of explanation of the Kindertransport near the memorial outside the station.

The children left Prague station for the Hook of Holland where they embarked for Britain and Liverpool St station. Whilst many of the parents would sadly perish in the concentration camps, thanks to Winton and his small group of committed helpers (particularly Trevor Chadwick who Winton regarded as the real hero of the story), their children escaped this fate, many turning 18 during the course of the war and serving in the Czechoslovak forces established in Britain.

As you exit the tube station onto the concourse of the main railway station, the first memorial is on your left hand side.

Continue out of the station and immediately in front of you is the second Kindertransport memorial. If you then turn around, there is a plaque of commemoration and remembrance on the wall to the station.

Jonathan Saunders for MAFCSV

Northwood Cemetery

Sergeant Josef František RAF 303 squadron died 8.10.1940 credited with shooting down 17 enemy aircraft in Spetmber 1940 at the height of the Battle of Britain (b 7.10.1913 Otaslavice, Přerov)

Pinner New Cemetery

Two Czech soldiers killed while on special training in Scotland

Lieutenant Jaromír Riegl died 1.7.1942 (b 9.4.1908 Nosálovice, Vyškov)

Lieutenant Josef Strankmüller died 13.8.1942 (b 26.7.1912 Rokycany)

Five Czech airmen RAF 311 squadron died 16.10.1940 Wellington N2771 returning with heavy damage from a raid on Bremen collided with the cable of a barrage balloon and crashed on the tennis courts at Bentley Priory, Stanmore, headquarters of Fighter Command. In two graves.

Squadron Leader Jan Veselý (b 17.5.1906 Přehořov, Tábor)

Pilot Officer Jaroslav Slabý (b 11.4.1915 Chrudim)

Sergeant František Zapletal (b 28.3.1910 Jezernice, Přerov)

Pilot Officer Jaroslav Matoušek (b 14.2.1915 Vysoké Mýto, Choceň)

Segeant Josef Albrecht (b 6.10.1915 Horka nad Moravou, Olomouc)

PUTNEY, EAST ( District Line)

The main road through Putney is the Upper Richmond Road, which you need to take in a westerly direction. Then take the first left into Carlton Drive and the first right into St John’s Road. Continue walking along this road until you arrive at the crossroads with Gwendolen Avenue, then turn right until you reach:

26 Gwendolen Avenue SW 15
On 22nd October 1938 President Beneš moved to Putney where he had a nephew, Bohumil (Bohuš) son of Václav Beneš. The president lived here with his wife Hana and their nieces until November 1940 when bombing during the Blitz made the area too dangerous to live there. In 1978 a blue plaque was added by the Smutný family who owned the house from 1950 to 1979. [source Neil Rees]

Additional addresses nearby

54 Keswick Road SW 15
The offices of the newspaper ‘Czechoslovak’ were in this building. As well as the newspaper the group published Czech language books for Czechoslovaks living in Britain.

Brett House, 198 West Hill SW 15
Sir Walter Layton lent this property to the British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia (BCRC) for use as a hostel and medical centre.

Jonathan Saunders for MAFCSV

QUEENSWAY (Central Line)

Leave Queensway tube station and turn right, walking towards the Bayswater Road at the bottom, here you turn left and walk along the Bayswater Road until you arrive at:

3-8 Porchester Gate, Bayswater Road W2

The offices of the Czechoslovak Military Intelligence headquarters were located on the 6th floor of this building. Colonel (later General) František Moravec led the service and played a leading part in the planning of Operation Anthropoid. Note the City of Westminster green plaque on the front of this building, which commemorates its use by the Czechoslovaks.

Several group photographs of Czechoslovak parachutists were taken in front of the entrance to Porchester Gate (where there is now shrubbery). The more famous photographs of individual parachutists were taken at the back of the building:

Walk down Queensborough Terrace (the road on the right of 3-8 Porchester Gate as you look at the building). The first left takes you into a courtyard and back entrance of the property. Against the wall to the rear entrance to the building was where nearly all, if not all, the Czech parachutists had their photos taken (mostly near the corner wall on the left hand side as you look at the rear entrance). In 2018 a cast of this wall was made and is now in the Memorial of the National Oppression and Resistance at Panenské Břežany, just outside Prague.

Return to the Bayswater Road turning left and continue walking along this road, past Lancaster Gate tube station and on to the next junction where you take the left fork and cross the road. Ahead of you is:

8 Stanhope Terrace W2
This address is believed to have been used as billets for special operations personnel when in London, however it is also known to have been a wireless station used to communicate with agents undergoing training. It is cited in Čvančara (Anthropoid p152) as a location for Special Group D responsible for training parachutists for special operations.

Jonathan Saunders for MAFCSV

Additional addresses nearby

35 Porchester Terrace W2

The Czechoslovak Red Cross set up here in wartime Britain and was internationally recognised. It operated a convalescent home for soldiers in the countryside fully equipped with modern medical facilities.

Hana Benešová was honorary chairman and Marína Paulíny vice chairman.

155 Notting Hill Gate W11

Editorial address of Československá žena (Czechoslovak Women’s Monthly) published by the Council of Czechoslovak Women founded in 1941. The publication was produced monthly from 1943-5, cost sixpence per issue (including postage) with 4-8 pages (dependent on paper rationing).

The Council organised a women’s choir to complement the Czechoslovak army choir and several conferences that attracted hundreds of delegates. It also had branches in Guildford, St Albans and Stoke-on-Trent. Weekly meetings were held at the Czechoslovak British Friendship Club, 27 Palace Court W2. Committee pictured outside from left to right: Ing. Otto Fanta, J. Jokl, Julius Furun?, Rudolf Smetanka, Dr A Peres background: Jozka David, Ivan Petruscak, Vaclav Majer [source: Erich Auerbach caption]

44 Lansdowne Crescent W11

Day nursery for 40 children of Czechoslovak army and war production workers plus employees in hospitals, the BBC and Czechoslovak government departments. Established in May 1943 offering accommodation during the working week. Daytime care for 15 cost 10 shillings a week. For children staying all week the charge was 15 shillings, they returned to their parents at the weekend. Following bombing in the summer of 1944 it was evacuated to the countryside. [source: Československá žena Aug 43 p 4/5]

Rainham Jewish Cemetery

Private Maxmilian Schwarz, a Slovak soldier (b 24.9.1906 Nitra) who took part in the Czechoslovak Army incident at Cholmondeley Castle, Cheshire.

South Ruislip Polish Air Force War Memorial, Western Avenue A40 junction with A4180

Four Czech airmen who flew with Polish sq uadrons commemorated.

Sergeant Josef František RAF 303 squadron died 8.10.1940 credited with shooting down 17 enemy aircraft in Spetmber 1940 at the height of the Battle of Britain (b 7.10.1913 Otaslavice, Přerov)

Sergeant Wilhelm Kosarz RAF 302 squadron died 8.11.1940 shot down by Messerchmitt 109 (b 20.6.1908 Radvanice, Ostrava)

Sergeant Matěj Pavlovič RAF 303 squadron died 20.4.1941 killed in action Le Touquet, France

(b 7.3.1915 Vlkovice, Prachatice)

Sergeant Ladislav Uher RAF 257 squadron died 30.6.1941 (b 3.8.1914 Mlékojedy, Mělník)

Tower Hill Memorial

Commemorates men and women of the Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets who died in both World Wars and who have no known grave. It stands on the south side of the garden of Trinity Square, London, close to The Tower of London.

Emanuel Unger (Ungr) panel 30

born 5.11.1887 Tábor died at sea 11.08.1943 SS Clan Macarthur

Paul (Pavel) Deymel panel 33

born Prague 15.06.1895 died at sea 12.1.1942 SS Cyclops

For further details click here

Westminster Abbey

A bronze memorial on the wall of the west cloister to the memopry of the Czehoslvoak army and air force who came as allies to this country and died in its defence and for the liberation of Europe 1940-45. It was designed by Franta Bělský


Cheadle Cemetery Park Road

Pilot Officer Antonín Škach RAF 310 squadron died 3.9.1944 operational flight (b 1.12.1916 Kročehlavy, Kladno)


East Wretham St Ethelbert Churchyard

Six airmen RAF 311 squadron

Three Czech airmen died 25.5.1941 training flight Wellington N3010 stalled on take-off

Pilot Officer Stanislav Zeinert (b 9.12.1915 Neměřice, Louny)

Sergeant František Dušek (b 15.8.1920 Hostovice)

Sergeant Maximilán Stoček (b 10.10.1918 Prague)

Pilot Officer Miloslav Švic died subsequently 4.6.1941 (b 5.10.1916 Lužec nad Vltavou, Mělník)

Sergeant František Binder rear gunner died 4.3.1942 in action over Holland (b 22.10.1914 Hojná Voda, Kaplice)

Leading Aircraftman Jan Bambůšek died 4.4.1942 traffic accident (b 25.9.1913 Nový Hrozenkov, Vsetín)

Six Czech airmen RAF 1429 Czechoslovak Operational Training Flight died 6.4.1942 in a Wellington Ic P9299 on a cross country exercise, when flying below hilltops and in rough weather, the pilot Sergeant Keda was confronted by rising ground and unable to avoid it, the aircraft crashed on Bryn Uchat near Llanymawddy on the River Dovey.

Pilot Officer Jan Štefek (b 25.2.1915 Brno)

Flight Sergeant Jan Stanovský (b 20.12.1014 Klimkovice, Ostrava)

Sergeant Alois Keda (b 15.2.1915 Brno)

Sergeant Rudolf Grimm ( b 8.4.1911 Zábřeh nad Odrou, Ostrava)

Sergeant Jindřich Hořínek (b 1.1.1921 Kratochvílka, Brno)

Sergeant Rudolf Vokurka (b 24.3.1917)

Scottow Cemetery

Sergeant Václav Brejcha RAF 257 squadron died 19.6.1941 Tiger Moth N6835 crashed into North Sea (b 13.4.1915)

Warrant Officer Karel Richter (b 17.2.1902 Hlinsko) and Flight Sergeant Jaroslav Kovanda (b 22.1.1913 Bohušovice) RAF 68 squadron died 5.9.1942 take-off Beaufighter X8576

Flying Officer František Glauder (b 23.10.1909 Přáslavice, Olomouc) and Sergeant František Vašata (b 11.7.1917 Brandýs nad Labem) RAF 68 squadron died 13.9.1942 training flight Beaufighter X7703

Sergeant Petr Haas RAF died 23.10.1942 training flight Anson DG387 (b 3.5.1920 Ostrava)

Flying Officers Josef Menšík (b 19.11.1917 Topol’čany, Slovakia) and Rudolf Slíva (b 16.2.1912 Řepiště, Frýdek-Místek) RAF 68 squadron died 22.4.1943 training flight Beaufighter V8576

Thetford Guildhall

A plaque in memory of RAF 311 (Czechoslovak) squadron which operated from RAF Honington and East Wretham and its 273 airmen who lost their lives in the fight for freedom 1940-1945.


Kingsthorpe Cemetery where rows of military graves occupy its highest point.

Private Gejza Pokšiva, a Slovak soldier (b 2.11.1921 Šarišské Lúky, Prešov) lies in the second row. Historical sources indicate that he was a great searcher, driver and shooter, died 20.6.1941.

Staff Sergeant Matěj Fišer (b 16.2.1888 Slavkov u Brna) and Josef Pospíšil (b 12.2.1901 Čechovice, Mladá Boleslav) are in the row behind. Both lived through the turmoil of World War I, and in the Second World War, by way of the Middle East, made their way to England. Josef Pospíšil, a participant in the Battle of Tobruk, died in service 17.11. 1943. Matěj Fišer died 30.11.1943 in a local hospital.

Towecester Road Cemetery three Czechoslovak soldiers of the Jewish faith are buried in the Jewish part, hidden in one corner separated by a wide, open area and a dense hedge

Private Leopold Gertsmann (b 21.9.1907 Brno) Jiří Ehrmann (b 16.9.1903 Spálené Poříčí, Plzeň) and Bedřich Karel Stein (b 5.1.1915 Saarbrücken, Germany) separately joined various units of the Czechoslovak Army in the Middle East. In England they were assigned to the Independent Armoured Brigade and all died 1944 in hospitals in or around Northampton. Bedřich Karel Stein died as the result of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.


Broomhill Chevington Cemetery

Sergeant Ladislav Kocourek RAF 57 Operational Training Unit died 17.3.1943 training flight crash Spitfire (b 6.3.1918 Židenice, Brno)

Sergeant Václav Šindelář RAF 57 Operational Training Unit died 19.4.1943 training flight (b 21.9.1918 Plzeň)


Nottingham Southern Cemetery

Private František Tandler Czechoslovak Army died 14.8.1941 (b 14.1.1906 Duchcov)

Worksop Retford Road Cemetery

Sergeant Major Břetislav Kincl 1st Czechoslovak Armoured Brigade died 22.12.1943 (b 10.2.1902 Tuřany, Brno)


Benson St Helen’s Churchyard

Sergeant Otakar Odstrčílek RAF 12 Operational Training Unit died 30.9.1940 engine failure on his first solo flight, he crashed near the town of Streatley (b 9.12.1910 Oswiecim, Poland)

Black Bourton St Mary’s Churchyard

Sergeant Václav Kříž RAF died 21.5.1941 training flight mid air collision (b 20.6.1917 Líšnice)

Václav Kříž [photo provided by Denise Hall]


Botley Cemetery

Sergeant Julius Šofránko RAF died 30.11.1944 training flight (b 12.8.1919 Štiavnik, Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia)

Stoke Row St John Churchyard

Sergeant Rudolf Scholz RAF 311 squadron died 10. 4. 1945 take off Liberator EV955 (b 10.2.1924 Horní Litvínov) came to England as a refugee in 1939.


Ightfield St John the Baptist

Memorial stone honouring the Ellison family who supported Jozef Gabčík and Jan Kubiš (Edna Ellison was his girlfriend) who took part in Operation Anthropoid to kill Reinhard Heydrich.

Market Drayton Cemetery

Sergeant Josef Martinec RAF died 7. 4. 1941 (b 19.7.1915 Doudleby nad Orlicí)

Sergeant Oldřich Kestler RAF 605 squadron died 7.4.1941 training flight aircraft collision Hurricane Z2318 (b Čižice, Plzeň)


RAF Cosford was the first Czechoslovak Depot (July- December 1940) where airmen skills were tested. Those who were already qualified and met RAF standards were posted directly to Czechoslovak squadrons. Their ability to communicate in English was essential. To this end the Air Ministry produced its own training manual. The depot relocated to Wilmslow in Cheshire (December 1940 – February 1942) then to St Athan in Glamorganshire until May 1944 when it returned to Cosford until 1946.

Stoke on Tern St Peter Church Cemetery

Sergeant Miroslav Čáp RAF 6 Operational Training Unit died 17.6.1943 (b 3.5.1919)

Wellington Cemetery

Pilot Officer Josef Kloboučník (b 10.3.1911 Vienna) and Sergeant Josef Klváček (b 1.3.1916) RAF 68 squadron died 23.10 1941 shot down in aerial combat Beaufighter R2099

Whitchurch Cemetery

Lance Corporal Walter Hirsch Czechoslovak Army died 21.7.1940 (b 1.12.1905 Rybáře, Karlovy Vary)


Bath Haycombe Cemetery

Warrant Officer Jaroslav Dohnal RAF died 12.7.1943 Beaufighter V5890 (b 21.7.1917 Prostějov)

Lansdown Burial Ground

Sergeant Emil Szeliga RAF 311 squadron died 30.8.1943 on a training flight Liberator BZ785 (L) (b 9.11.1918 Albrechtice)

Taunton St Mary’s Cemetery

Flying Officer Jaroslav Čermák RAF 313 squadron died 4.6.1943 on a training flight (b 27.4.1917 Nymburk)


Bury St Edmunds Cemetery

Flying Officer Alois Mžourek RAF died 16.10.1944 take-off Mosquito NV531 (b 12.4.1915 Hospozín, Kladno)

Honington All Saints Churchyard

Seven Czech airmen RAF 311 squadron

Two died 17.1.1940 training flight Wellington L7786

Sergeant Karel Lang (b 21.8.1916 Velká Chýška, Pelhřimov)

Sergeant Oldřich Tošovský (b 10.7.1917 Horní Jelení, Pardubice)

Three died 16.12.1940 take-off Wellington T2577

Pilot Officer Jaromír Jaroslav Toul (b 13.2.1917 Chlum, Boskovice)

Sergeant Jiří Janoušek (b 26.4.1917)

Sergeant Jan Křivda (b 6.8.1913 Uherský Brod)

Pilot Officer Miloslav Vejražka died 16.10.1940 parachute failed during raid on Bremen (b 15.11.1910 Dresden) five crew were taken as prisoners of war

Pilot Officer Jindřich Liebold died 5.1.1941 bomb attack on airfield (b 6.10.1921 Prague)

Lowestoft Beccles Road Cemetery

Pilot Officer František Horký RAF 311 squadron died 3.11.1942 following an illness (b 16.3.1917 Valašské Meziříčí)


Bellasis House

Requisitioned by the War Office in early 1941, Bellasis (today Bellasis House) was one of six initial Special Training Schools (STS) for the Special Operations Executive (SOE). By November 1941 Bellasis had become the Holding School for Czechoslovakian agents, giving initial and refresher training for agents waiting to progress through the training syllabus, or to depart on missions in enemy-occupied Czechoslovakia.

The SOE agents for whom Bellasis is chiefly remembered were the two members of Operation Anthropoid, the mission to assassinate SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, head of the combined security services of Nazi Germany and acting Reichsprotektor of Bohemia and Moravia. In early November 1941, Warrant Officers Jozef Gabčik and Jan Kubiš of the Czechoslovak army-in-exile, came to Bellasis for six weeks of ‘continuation and skill enhancement’ instruction after extensive training elsewhere by SOE.

Today it is a private home, not open to the public.

Brookwood Military Cemetery

There is a large section in the south east corner of the cemetery which contains 48 graves of Czech and Slovak service personnel who died while serving with the RAF and Czechoslovak Armoured Brigade. Three of these can be found separately in the RAF rows just opposite the Air Forces shelter building. This also holds a register of the names of those buried in the section. There is also a Czechoslovak civilian section for former servicemen who died after the war. This plot has around 100 headstones and contains one of the biggest group of Battle of Britain pilots all together in the UK.

Marína Paulíny, a Slovak former deputy head of the wartime Czechoslovak Red Cross is also buried here.

The Memorial Association for Free Czechoslovak Veterans was formed in 2018 and is an amalgamation of the Free Czechoslovak Air Force Association and the Association of Czechoslovak Legionaries Abroad. It is a not-for-profit organization whose aim is to honour and remember all Free Czechoslovak WWII veterans and service personnel who fought with the Allies. They hold commemorative events twice a year at Brookwood Military cemetery in May and October and also at Cholmondeley Castle in July.

Reigate Redstone Cemetery

Flight Officer Bohumil Horák RAF 1 squadron (b 19.1.1909 in Komárno, Slovakia) his Hurricane Z3240 crashed on the night of 29.6.1941 during a transfer flight from Redhill Airfield to Gatwick while transporting cartridges for starting aircraft motors. One possible explanation for his crash is that a box of cartridges may have fallen into the flap controls.

Runnymede Coopers Hill

Air Forces Memorial lists the names of 90 Czechs and Slovaks whose remains were never found including members of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) who did not return and air crews who were drowned overseas

Whyteleafe St Luke’s Church

Pilot Officer František Běhal and Sergeant Albín Nasswetter RAF 1 squadron lie among other war graves in the centre of the cemetery. František Běhal (b 18.3.1912 Želatovice, Přerov) did not return from a night-time operational flight on 11.5. 1941 when he faced one of the biggest Luftwaffe raids on London. He managed to shoot down a Heinkel HE 111 bomber and dispatch a report about it, then his Hurricane Z2921 crashed. It is likely that he was hit in error by a British night fighter. Albín Nasswetter (b 21.1.1919 Prague) participated in a search and rescue mission on 16. 6. 1941 for six British pilots shot down the previous day. Over the English Channel, he and his comrades met enemy aircraft and his in a Hurricane Z3460 was hit. He bailed out but subsequently died from burns.


Chichester Cemetery

Four Czech airmen RAF 313 squadron

Pilot Officer Vojtěch Lysický died 26.4.1944 emergency landing, training flight (b 8.9.1915 Olomouc)

Flight Sergeant František Fanta died 26.4.1944 aircraft collision Spitfire MK394 (b 11.12.1919 Kamený, Turnov)

Flight Lieutenant Jan Laška died 26.4.1944 aircraft collision (b 22.11.1914 Havlíčkův/Německý Brod)

Flight Sergeant Miroslav Moravec died 7.6.1944 crashed after takeoff, operational flight Spitfire MJ016 (b 3.9.1918)

Flight Sergeant Vilem Nosek RAF 312 squadron died 11.6.1944 emergency landing on return from operational flight Spitfire MJ940

Flight Lieutenant Antonín Velebnovský RAF 1 squadron died 16.7.1941 night flying accident Hurricane Z3902 (b 15. 4.1915 Jablunkov, Frýdek-Místek)

Sergeant Jan Vlk RAF 1 squadron died 14. 2.1913 emergency landing training flight Hurricane Z3970 (b 14.2 1913 Lhota, Semily)

Haywards Heath Western Road Cemetery

Sergeant Michal Padalík (b 10.2.1902 Olomouc) served in the 2nd Infantry Battalion of the Czechoslovak Brigade. After being released from military service due to illness, he worked as an official of the Czechoslovak government in exile in London. He died 15.9.1942 as a result of a brain tumour operation.

Withyham Church of St Michael & All Angels

Private Josef Smolka, a Czechoslovak soldier, is buried a few meters from the main entrance. On 22.12.1945 he committed suicide when his unit became part of the gradual repatriation of Czechoslovak troops back to Czechoslovakia. His military records state that he was of a quiet nature, disciplined, reliable and fair.



Czechoslovak Freedom Fountain, Jephson Gardens

A grade-II listed memorial “in tribute to all Czechoslovak soldiers, airmen and patriots who fell in World War II” unveiled in October 1968 for the 50th anniversary of Czechoslovakia; it is based on the design of a parachute. It commemorates the Free Czechoslovak Army made up of over 4,000 servicemen based in the area from 1940-42 and in particular Operation Anthropoid. Their headquarters were in Harrington House, now demolished, a large Victorian villa a few yards from the park gates in Newbold Terrace. About 300 were selected and sent to Arisaig in Western Scotland to be trained as paratroop agents by the British Special Operations Executive (SOE). After a very rigorous training course, they formed a select group of men who were on standby to be parachuted into occupied Czechoslovakia to carry out sabotage missions and to support the Czechoslovak underground movement. The seven parachutists whose names are on the memorial were members of small teams of paratroopers who were flown out from England at night in converted RAF Halifax bombers during the winter of 1941/42. They died on 18 June 1942 in Prague.

The Friends of the Czechoslovak Fountain recently raised funds for its restoration.

Whitnash Road Cemetery

Sergeant Bohumil Chodora Czechoslovak Army died 27.4.1942 heart attack (b 16.11.1900 Hořice)

Stratford-upon-Avon Cemetery

Three Czech and one Slovak soldier in the Czechoslovak Army

Lance Corporal Josef Flanek died 25.4.1942 heart attack (b 11.7.1903 Heřmanice, Frýdek-Místek)

Lance Corporal Josef Hudec died 6.7.1941 (b 1.2.1911 Zuberec, Trstená, Slovakia)

Private Zdeněk Novosad died 14.11.1941 (b 11.8.1918 Hrušky, Hodonín)

Private Antonín Voráček died 3.12.1940 road accident (b 27.12.1913 Krčice, Kladno)

Wellesbourne St Peter’s Churchyard

Private Stanislav Procházka died 29.3.1941 (b Libušín, Kladno)

West Midlands


Perry Bar Crematorium

Private Oldřich Martínek Czechoslovak Army died 13.4.1941 (b 4.6.1890 Ostrava)

Witton Jewish Cemetery

Five soldiers in the Czechoslovak Army

Private Hugo Faden died 7.9.1942 (b 1.6.1896 Brno)

Private Kurt Grünwald died 10.10.1941 (b 4.1.1921 Olomouc)

Private Bernáth Löwenwirth died 9.3.1941 (b 21.3.1910 Loza, Irshava, Carpathia)

Private Hanuš Waldstein died 22.1.1945 (b 13.6.1902 Prague)

Private František Wilhelm died 26.1.1941 road accident (b 11.6.1920 Staňkov, Domažlice)

Donington St Cuthbert’s Church

Leading Aircraftmen Miroslav Drnek (b 26.10.1917, Blovice Plzeň) and Josef Melena (b 9.2.1918 Prague) did not return from a training flight 21.7.1941 when, through a technical error, their Oxford V3973 crashed into a block of flats in Wolverhampton. Josef Melena has a small portrait attached to his tombstone.

West Bromwich All Saints Churchyard extensions

Sergeant Miloslav Bedrich Maňásek RAF 311 squadron died 13.7.1944 (b 1.11.1922 Croatia)

Wolverhampton Bradmore, St Philip’s Churchyard

Lieutenant Václav Haňka RAF 311 squadron died 18.10.1942 Wellington T2564 (b 7.1.1919 Sokolnice, Brno. His daughter Rosemarie Růžena who died 22.7.1948 aged 5 ½ years is buried alongside him.


Chippenham London Road Cemetery

Four Czech airmen in RAF 9 Advanced Flying Unit in Hullavington

Leading Aircraftman Antonín Mikoláš (b 19.4.1919 Nošovice) and Sergeant František Seďa (b 10.9.1914 Hysly, Hodonín) died 12.8.1941 aircraft collision Master T8378

Sergeant Jan Klos died 29.8.1941 Master N7632 (b 19.10.1918 Kopřivnice)

Sergeant Josef Sedláček died 16.4.1942 Oxford V4021 (b 22.2.1915 Mannheim, Germany)

Sergeant Bořivoj Šmíd RAF 310 squadron died 29.5.1951 in an air accident. He took part in the legendary hijacking of three Czechoslovak Airlines Dakota planes to the Bavarian town of Erding on 24.3.1950.

Salisbury Devizes Road Cemetery

Five Czech airmen in RAF 311 squadron died 2.7.1941 shot down in error at night returning from an operational flight Wellington R1516 (KX-U)

Pilot Officer Richard Hapala (b 13.11.1918 Staříč, Frýdek-Místek)

Sergeant Adolf Dolejš (b 17.6.1915 Prague)

Sergeant Antonín Plocek (b 11.4.1912 Česká Třebová)

Sergeant Oldřich Helma (b 11.1.1916 Příbor, Nový Jičín) and Sergeant Jaroslav Petrucha (b 27.4.1920 Veselí nad Moravou, Uherské Hradiště) in a single grave

Yatesbury All Saints Churchyard

Sergeant Vilém Michálek (b 1.8.1915 Bystřice pod Hostýnem) served as an RAF air radio operator died 24.4.1941 on a training flight. From 1939 RAF Yatesbury was used to train airborne wireless operators and, from 1942, radar operators.


Astwood Cemetery

Sergeant Karel Gavel Czechoslovak Army died 3.8.1945 (b 2.12.1914 Střítež, Frýdek-Místek)


Catterick Barracks

Plaque on former airfield control tower to commemorate the establishment of RAF 68 squadron here 7.1.1941; from 20.1.1942 its B flight was commanded by Squadron Leader Vlastimil Veselý with entirely Czechoslovak personnel. RAF 313 squadron was established here 10.5.1941 with Czech pilots and British ground crew.

Catterick Military Cemetery

Sergeant Josef Gutvald RAF 313 squadron died 27.5.1941 training flight Spitfire R7163 (b 21.12.1911 Třesť, Olomouc)

Harrogate Stonefall Cemetery

Sergeant Jiří Bleier RAF died 17.5.1943 Anson EG 269 (b 8.4.1915 Jarošov, Uherské Hradiště)

Hull Northern Cemetery

Lieutenant F Schulz Royal Army Medical Corps died 3.2.1942 (b 1913 České Budějovice)



Bronllys St Mary’s Churchyard

Private Štefan Daniel Czechoslovak Armoured Brigade died 26.3.1945 (b 7.9.1911 Šurany, Nové Zámky, Slovakia)

Talgarth St Gwendoline’s Churchyard

Private Bohumil Makovský Czechoslovak Army died 21.1.1943 (b 22.10.1891 Prague)


Hawarden Cemetery

Sergeant Jan Machálek RAF 57 Operational Training Unit died 28.10.1942 (b 3.8.1921 Kunovice, Uherské Hradiště)

Holywell Cemetery

Flying Officer František Naxera RAF 311 squadron died 29.6.1944 take-off Liberator BZ754 (b 15.1.1916 Prague)


Barry Methyr Dyfan Cemetery

Sergeant Valentin Kubín Czechoslovak Armoured Brigade died 17.3.1945 (b 6.11.1920 Lešná, Valašské Meziříčí)

Cardiff Cathays Cemetery

Sergeant Jaroslav Kulhavý RAF 311 squadron died 4.12.1944 take-off Liberator FL981 (b 16.8.1919 Mladá Boleslav)

Llantwit Major Cemetery

Corporal Josef Ivančík RAF 311 squadron died 18.8.1942 illness (b 3.9.1918 Voděrady)

Flying Officer Josef Nejezchleba RAF died 22.8.1942 training slight Beaufighter V8398 (b 17.11.1916 Moravský Písek)

Sergeant František Remeš RAF 53 Operational Training Unit died 22.11.1942 training flight Spitfire P7827 (b 15.1.1919 Crikvenica, Croatia). On 26.11.19142 flying to the funeral in poor visibility Squadron Leader Josef Jaške hit a barrage balloon cable, crashed into Cardiff Bay and suffered sever injuries. Group Captain Evzen Cízek, serving as Czechoslovak Liaison Officer for RAF Fighter Command, was killed and buried at Brookwood.

Swansea, Killay St Hilary of Poictiers Churchyard

Flight Lieutenant Rudolf Roháček RAF 312 squadron died 27.6.1942 oxygen failure Sptifire AD553 (b 18.11.1914 Mariánské Hory, Ostrava)

Pilot Officer Josef Janeba RAF 312 squadron died 2.5.1942 aircraft collision Sptifire BL231 (b 4.2.1915 Blešno, Hradec Králové)


Angle St Mary Churchyard

Flying Officer Jan Doucha RAF 310 squadron died 7.11.1942 shot down Spitfire AR 502 (b 20.10.1914 Vienna, Austria)

Haverfordwest City Road Cemetery

Sergeant Václav Břečka RAF 311 squadron died 8.10.1942 shot himself (b 1.4.1914 Žďar nad Sázavou).


ABERDEEN Dyce Military Cemetery

Sergeant Alois Dvořák RAF 310 squadron died 24.9.1941 Hurricane Z2766 (b 23.5.1916 Plumlov, Prostějov)

Flying Officer Vladimír Zaoral RAF 310 squadron died 19.11.1941 training flight Spitfire P7837 (b 15. 11.1915 Brno)


War memorial to Czech and Slovak soldiers who trained here 1941-43 as Special Operations Executive (SOE) agents. Trainees included Jozef Gabčík and Jan Kubiš of Operation Athropoid. SOE took over many large properties including Arisaig House.

AYR Cemetery

Sergeant Jaroslav Kučera RAF 312 squadron died 19.12.1941 training flight Spitfire BL293 (b 23.6.1915 Plzeň)

Dumfries & Galloway

Annan Cemetery

Sergeant Karel Pošva (b 20.10.1908 Hořovice) RAF 6 Operational Training Unit died 24.4.1943 along with 7 other Czech airmen Wellingotn HE496 training flight caught fire. Three are remembered at the Runnymede memorial, two are buried at Troqueer and one in Dumfries.

Dumfries St Andrew’s RomanCatholic Cemetery

Sergeant František Schejbal (b 15.2.1918) RAF 6 Operational Training Unit died 24.4.1943 along with 7 other Czech airmen Wellingotn HE496 training flight caught fire.

Kirkinner Cemetery

Flight Lieutenant Václav Jelínek RAF died 23.10.1942 night-time training flight Anson DG387 (b 21.3.1913 Prague)

Stranraer Glebe Cemetery

Leading Aircraftmen František Dunděra RAF (b 25.4.1915 Malínky, Vyškov) died 13.4.1941 training flight Battle N2024 and Josef Drcka remembered at Runnymede memorial.

Leading Aircraftmen Zdeněk Hytka RAF (b 20.9.1919 Opava) and Jan Maršálek (b 5.12.1914 Topolany, Olomouc) died 14.7.1941 training flight Battle N2060 in same grave.

Troqueer New Burial Ground

Flying Officer František Dostál (b 30.3.1917 Olomouc) and Sergeant Karel Šimon (b 7.12.1919 Hlinné, Nové Město na Moravě) RAF 6 Operational Training Unit died 24.4.1943 along with 7 other Czech airmen Wellington HE496 training flight caught fire.


Corstophine Hill Cemetery

Lieutenant Jaroslav Prachař Czechoslovak Army died 24.7.1942 (b 18.5.1910 Uherský Brod)

Piershill Cemetery

Private Ladislav Lőwy Czechoslovak Armoured Brigate died 2.7.1944 (b 9.7.1918 Nitra, Slovakia)

Private Julius Walter Czechoslovak Armoured Brigate died 5.6.1944 (b 14.5.1902 Opava)

ERROL Murie Cemetery

Sergeant Major František Drahovzal Czechoslovak Army died 29.5.1943 (b 10.6.1908 Trutnov)

GALASHIELS Eastlands Cemetery

Five Czech soldiers in the Czechoslovak Armoured Brigade

Corporal Jan Hercik died 2.6.1944 (b 12.4.1914 Zdíkov, Prachatice)

Sergeant Major Richard Hőnig died 20.7.1944 (b 23.3.1912 Uherské Hradiště)

Private Alfréd Hilbert died 29.8.1944 (b 5.10.1917 Zabkovice, Poland)

Lance Corporal Adolf Mráz died 18.7.1944 (b 17.6.1908 Plzeň) and Sergeant Major Jindřich Pastor died 5.7.1944 (b 26.6.1920 Dobrá, Frýdek-Místek) in same grave

GRANGEMOUTH Grandsable Cemetery

Sergeant Bohumil Šima RAF 58 Operational Training Unit died 10.8.1941 Spitfire N3099 (b 30.7.1916 Sepekov)

Warrant Officer Václav Přerost RAF 58 Operational Training Unit died 31.12.1943 Mile Master W8845 (b 16.4.1918 Hnačov, Klatovy)

HADDINGTON Roman Catholic Cemetery

Flight Lieutenant Václav Jicha RAF died 1.2.1945 passenger on Anson NK945 that crashed during a blizzard, he froze to death (b 10.2.1914 Dnešice, Plzeň)

Ross and Cromarty

Evanton Kiltearn Burial Ground

Sergeant Jaroslav Kalášek RAF died 10.7.1944 training flight Anson NK447 (b 29.1.1918 Bynina, Valašské Meziříčí)

Tain St Duthus Old Burial Ground

Memorial to all members of 311 Czechoslovak squadron RAF coastal command who gave their lives so that we shall live. They will not be forgotten.

Four Czech airmen died 29.10.1944 Liberator BZ720

Sergeant Rudolf Barvíř (b 15.8.1911 Hranice)

Sergeant Václav Černý (b 23.8.1915 Sobůlky, Kyjov)

Sergeant Josef Koštál (b 9.1.1914 Znojmo)

Sergeant Štěpán Štětka (b 23.5.1920 Prušánky, Hodonín)

Five Czech airmen died 4.12.1944 Liberator FL981

Sergeant František Benedikt (b 5.12.1912 Moravksá Ostrava)

Flight Sergeant František Havránek (b 18.2.1918 Rozařín, Brno)

Sergeant Walter Hnilička (b 24.3.1924 Čelákovice)

Warrant Officer Štěpán Petrášek (b 18.11.1917 Velenice, Poděbrady)

Flight Sergeant Josef Šebestík (b 16.5.1916 Hrádek, Uherský Brod)

Four Czech and one Slovak airmen died 1.4.1945 Liberator FL949

Flight Sergeant Antonín Bednář (b 20.11.1913 Rychtářov, Vyškov)

Flight Sergeant Miloš Bodlák (b 24.8.1912 Líšeň, Brno)

Warrant Officer Oldřich Bureš (b 28.4.1909 Skalička, Přerov)

Sergeant Martin Dorniak (b 15.8.1915 Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia)

Flight Sergeant Ivo Engländer (b 5.3.1924 Kutná Hora)

Three Czech and one Slovak airmen died 10.4.1945 Liberator EV955

Flight Sergeant Arnošt Hayek (b 3.8.1916 Kyjov)

Flight Sergeant Zdeněk Palme (b 15.8.1914 Poniklá, Jilemnice)

Flight Lieutenant Josef Simet (b 22.4.1914 Boříkovy, Klatovy)

Sergeant Josef Vaniš (b 27.6.1921 Liptovská Teplá, Ružomberok, Slovakia)

TIREE, Inner Hebrides Soroby Burial Ground

Flying Officer Leonard Revilloid RAF 518 squadron died 16.8.1944 aircraft collision (b 26.8.1922 Montreux, Switzerland) brother Herbert died 13.2.1945 Edinburgh (b 23.8.1921 Montreux, Switzerland). Grandsons of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, mother Olga died 12.9.1981 Beaconsfield (b 25.5.1891 Prague)